Wednesday, February 01, 2006

I just got canned! It's a goddamned conspiracy I tell ya.

Well, we all knew that it wouldn't last forever, but I really thought that I'd hold down my job for at least two months.
I mean, I was a very dilligent employee, despite my sub-standard wage and lack of any type of fringe benefit. And when you compare me to my counterpart, Big Momma Ms. Lenda, I am at a complete loss.

So I've come up with two crazy theories as to why I got layed off.

1. Kitty & Shitty Kitty have finally exacted their revenge on me for placing them up for adoption. Look at that evil bitch cat...I always knew she was out to get me.

This one, I dare say, is a little farther-fetched...

2. As you might know, I recently moved out of my parent's crib to Grandview. My address is 964 Burr Ave. Now this might seem irelevant, but I worked on Hamilton Rd. Are you starting to get it? Just as Aaron "Burly" Burr killed Alex "Slow-draw" Hamilton in a duel, so to did my residence destroy my place of work.

F it though, I hated the job anyway.

Well, That's my post today. Now that I have a little extra free time, I should be updating more frequently. Tomorrow I'm going to put up the pictures from Jenny & Jonathan's wedding...I was canned there too, shit-canned that is.

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