Thursday, February 02, 2006

Summary of the Trip to K-town

What is this? Could it be the Golden Ball of Knoxville? You betcha! Unfortunately it wasn't filled with wigs.

I went to K-town last weekend and had a blast with Diva and Anthony. We went to the art museum, a chocolate "factory" and had a swell picnic at a very cool dam.

The highlight of the trip was Sunday brunch though. It was AWESOME!!! And, while Anthony totally wussed out, D and I got a serious grubbin' on. However I totally blew her out of the water too. But, for a girl, she did well. I'd give her an A for effort.

Anyway, it was a great trip and it was so hard to leave those two kids. I hope to make a return soon. At the very least, to get some more brunch!

Hopefully more pictures will be up soon!



Anonymous said...

Ahoy David. These last two posts have been bloody hilarious. I was just looking at a friend's page--
He's trying out some new things with his blog page, like podcasting and RSS feeds. I don't completely understand either of those, but he wants to, eventually, add an audio journal to his page. check it out--you might get some ideas. Also, once again, I would like to vote for a movement away from the pirate motif on your site. I know you have a queer obsession with pirates, but isn't the site more about keeping in touch and expressing yourself during your occasional moments of comedic genius? -G

Diva said...

I had a great time too David. I can't wait for another visit. I'm happy to see that your blog is being updated. Keep up the good work.