Wednesday, July 07, 2010

New Year's Resolution

A new year's resolution in July--what gives?

Well, a great man once said that procrastination is the key to prolonging life and I tend to agree. With that in mind, I feel that July is as good as any month to start making some changes in my life. I'm not quite ready to tackle any of my big issues, so I've decided to start small; I will update this blog at least once a year. I would say once a month, but who am I kidding, that's just nonsense.

The truth is, this shouldn't be that hard to do. Living in Israel has been quite an adventure and I have plenty of humorous fodder for the ol' blog. But instead of penning a tome on my first year living in the land o'milk n' honey, I'd like to focus on one small, albeit bizarre cultural difference between Israelis and Americans.

It seems that every Israeli is a matchmaker. It's a wonder that this country still has any single people. From the taxi driver taking you to the train station to the guy who owns an apartment that you're interested in renting, everyone has the "perfect" girl for you. What's more is that they all seem to have the same girl for you! For example, upon entering the aforementioned cab, the driver inquired, "Where to go, my friend?"

I replied, "The bus station. I'm off to Jerusalem to visit with my grandmother."

"Oh, you have family here? Are you married?" asked the cab driver.

I answered, "No, not married. But I've got plenty of time for that stuff later."

The cabbie responds, "Listen, my friend, I know a girl who is the best for you. She know English."

(End scene)

And that's it! Without know me from Adam, this cabbie believes he's got the perfect girl for me. His sole criterion--she know English. Really, all that means is that she knows English a little better than he does...which is still pretty hard to quantify.

Whatever. It's pretty amusing from time to time. But it's gotten to the point that I am being fixed up on a daily basis, by everyone--the guy who sells me milk, the girl giving me directions to the movie theater. Hell, even the homeless cripple that I threw some change at today had a girl for me.

Ok, well that's about it for now. You know it's best to ease your way back into these things. Ok maybe more tomorrow, maybe in a couple months. We'll see.