Wednesday, January 14, 2009

George Thurgood should stop being so bossy and shut his lip!

Alright, first things first...So it's been roughly three years since my last post, but what can I say, not much has really happened in the meantime. Well I'm back now, refreshed and ready to resume my offbeat musings. Now on to business.

I've never been much of a fan of George Thurgood and the Destroyers; I think that their music is plain bad. Moreover, I don't need anyone telling me to cut my hair OR to get a "real job." I might not be thrilled with my current employment, but I can do without the added pressure of some loser rock group urging me to bigger and better. Anyway, I seem to have found my ideal position and it is in no way a "real job."

Apparently, Australia is offering a job which can best be described as "overpaid island-sitter." That's right, the Australian government is looking for someone to take residence on a small island off of the great barrier reef. And as for the job description? Get this, the person hired will be responsible for tajing walks around the island, snorkling around the reef, maintaining a blog/vlog of the experience, and interviewing with the media about the experience. Basically, Australia what's someone to permanently vacation on one of her islands, so long as they describe the experience to others. Pretty awesome, right? I haven't even gotten to the best part--the pay & perks. The job pays 150k/year Australian money (1.05k American) and the person is given a beautiful 3 bedroom house, equipped with a swimming pool and other necessities. The job is being billed as "the best job in the world" and I think that might be a fact.

What do you have to say about that George Thurgood...Well, I'm off to fill out my application, it's due by the end of February.

For more, check out: